
Commifora – Commíphora Jacq. (Greek commiphora – giving a gum, or resin). Various species of Kommifora from the Burzerov family – Burseraceae – small deciduous trees with triple leaves, only occasionally tree-like shrubs.

The flowers are small, in brushes or spikelets, blood-red in color.

The fruit is a drupe.

They grow in India, Africa, on the Arabian Peninsula.

Gummi-resina Myrrha (myrrha – from Arabic. Murr – bitter) is obtained from various species of Kommifora. They use Commiphora molmol – Commiphora molmol (molmol – the local Somali name), Balsamic commomphora – Commiphora opobalsamum, Commiphora Wright – Commiphora wrightii, Commiphora Shimper – Сommiphora schimperi, Commissor – Commissor.

Gum-resin is contained in the parenchyma of the cortex and flows out of incisions or spontaneously. After drying, it is collected. These pieces of different sizes, very bitter taste, easily crumble and form a whitish-yellow emulsion with water. Burns with a luminous flame, does not melt.

The resin consists of resenes and resin esters.

The composition of the essential oil includes L-pinene, limonene, eugenol, sesquiterpenes, etc.

Apply gum resin for catarrh of the respiratory tract; as an astringent for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gum disease; outwardly as an antiseptic.

Varieties of myrrh from Somalia and Yemen are valued.

It is used in medicine in Asia, America, Africa and Europe.

Mirra is used in homeopathy.

It is part of Midona ultra, Reumaker ultra, Tyro ultra, Suhashini ultra, Favordil ultra, Amiripash ultra.

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